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Kings Park Central School District

Excellence in Education


Parent or Legal Guardian Request for Annual Professional Performance Review (APPR) Information

New York State law allows parents and legal guardians of a student to request the effectiveness scores and final ratings of teachers and principals to which the student is assigned for the current school year. Requests for this information have to be made in writing using the appropriate teacher or principal request form. This information may only be released to parents or legal guardians and the district will verify that any request received has been submitted by a parent or legal guardian.
Additionally, the information is intended only for the use of the requesting parent or legal guardian.

In order to receive this information from the Kings Park Central School District, the following procedures must be adhered to:

  1. Please download and print the “Disclosure of APPR Scores to Parents” form linked below or you may receive a copy from the Main Office in your child’s school. 
  2. Complete the form and bring to your child’s school. If you have children in multiple schools and would like information for each child, a separate form will need to be completed and brought to each individual building.
  3. When you submit the form(s), you will need to provide proper identification to be copied prior to receiving the information.
  4. Once your child’s information is verified by the building, the request will be sent to the Personnel Office.
  5. Your request will be processed and you will be contacted to set up an appointment to meet with the Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum, Instruction, and Personnel, at which time you will verbally receive the information that you requested.

Please note that all requests will be verified first at your child’s school before being sent to the Personnel Office. If you have any questions about the process, please contact the Personnel office at (631) 269 – 3312.