This notice is to advise you of your rights with respect to district policies relating to (your son) (your daughter) (you) pursuant to the Federal “Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974.” The following information is printed and provided annually to district families through the distribution of the district's full calendar.
Title 45-Protection of Pupil Rights
Unless objection to any of the specific items of information following is submitted in writing by parents or legal guardians, or by those students themselves who are over ages of 18 years, the Kings Park School District herewith gives notice of intention to provide, release or publish in school or student newspapers, magazines, yearbooks or other publications, athletic programs, daily or weekly newspapers, musical or theatrical programs, news releases and any/or all of the following information pertaining to students as may be appropriate under the circumstances: name of student, names of parents, address, age, height, weight, grade, major field of study, participation in recognized school activities, extracurricular activities and sports programs, academic honors, achievements, awards, scholarships and similar information.
Under Title 20, U.AS. Code, §1232g(5)(A)(B), Privacy Rights of Parents and Students, parents who do not desire release of any of the above directory information must make specific requests in writing to the Superintendent of Schools by September 30th each year. Failure to make such a request shall be deemed consent to release, provide or publish the directory information during the current school year.
Student Records
Appointments to inspect student records shall be made at least one day in advance. They may be made by calling the school office. To inspect psychological reports, appointments must be made through the school psychological office. Records will be available for inspection during school office hours only. The person inspecting the record shall have completed forms supplied by the school. The student folder may only be inspected in the school building by authorized persons. Nothing may be taken from the folder, although information can be copied by the person inspecting the records. If a statement in the record is to be challenged, such record shall be identified on the form provided. The School Principal will review the challenged record and make a determination. If the Principal's determination is deemed unsatisfactory, a written request for a hearing may be submitted to the Superintendent of Schools. The Superintendent or his designee will make a determination in the matter subject to appeal to the Board of Education. No records will be available to a third party except for authorized district personnel, without the written authorization of the parent or 18 year old subject of the record. The fees for copies of available records shall be 25 cents per page for pages not larger than 8½" X 14". Records to be copied will be identified on forms supplied at the school or at the District Office. Three days will be required for copying.
Student Directory Information
The Board of Education has designated certain categories of student information as “directory information.” Directory information includes a student’s name; major field of study; grade level; participation in officially recognized activities and sports; weight and height (if members of athletic teams); honors, degrees and awards received, and photographs. Federal Law requires that the names and addresses of all eleventh and twelfth graders be supplied to military recruiting offices. Parents who do not desire release or publication of this information must make a specific request in writing to the Kings Park High School Principal by the close of business on the last school day each September. Failure to make such a request will be deemed implied consent. Individuals have the right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by the District to comply with the Student Privacy requirements of FERPA.
The name/address of the office that administers FERPA is:
Family Policy Compliance Office U.S. Department of Education
400 Maryland Avenue SW, Washington DC 20202-4605