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Kings Park Central School District

Excellence in Education

McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act

The McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act

The McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act is a federal law that protects the educational rights of students in temporary housing. Under this law, students experiencing homelessness are entitled to important rights and services.

The McKinney-Vento Act states that children and youth who lack "a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence" will be considered homeless.

Disaster and Emergency Response

Students who are temporarily displaced due to disaster are also protected by the McKinney Vento Homeless Education Assistance Act.

Unaccompanied Youth

An unaccompanied youth is a student who is not in the physical custody of their parent or legal guardian; this includes young people who have run away from home, have been kicked out of their homes, or have been abandoned by their parents.

McKinney-Vento eligible students have the right to:

- receive a free, appropriate public education;
- enroll in school immediately, even if lacking documents normally required for enrollment, or having missed application or enrollment deadlines during a period of
- enroll in school and attend classes while the school district/school gathers needed documentation;
- continue attending the school of origin, or enroll in the local attendance area school if attending the school of origin is not in the best interest of the student or is
  contrary to the request of the parent, guardian, or unaccompanied youth;
- receive transportation to and from the school of origin, if requested by the parent or guardian, or by the local liaison on behalf of an unaccompanied youth; and
- receive educational services comparable to those provided to other students, according to each student's need.


• Con familiares, amigos u otras personas porque perdió su vivienda o por dificultades económicas?

• En un albergue?

• En un motel u hotel porque no tiene ningún otro lugar adonde ir?

• En una vivienda inadecuada?


Los niños y jóvenes que estén en una vivienda transitoria tienen derecho a:

• seguir asistiendo a la misma escuela, incluso los niños de prekínder, y tener transporte gratuito aun si deben traspasar los límites del distrito;

• inscribirse inmediatamente en la escuela sin documentación (certificados escolares, certificados médicos, certificados de vacunas, certificación de domicilio);

• obtener inmediatamente servicios de educación especial si el estudiante tiene un Programa de educación individualizado (IEP) vigente;

• participar plenamente en las actividades escolares, incluso en las que se realizan antes y después del horario escolar;

• recibir servicios de apoyo escolar y ayuda con artículos, por ejemplo, los útiles escolares, a través del Título I;

• acceder al servicio de comedores escolares sin completar ninguna solicitud;

• recibir ayuda para la inscripción en prekínder, en el programa Head Start y en otros programas para niños de prekínder; y

• recibir ayuda para prepararse y solicitar admisión a la universidad. ¡Pida ayuda a su enlace McKinney-Vento!

Homeless Liaison Contact


Dr. Danielle Colby-Rooney, Assistant Superintendent for PPS (colbyd@kpcsd.org)
Ms. Laurie Tosi, Assistant Administrator for PPS (tosil@kpcsd.org)


Ms. Janine Simpson (simpsonj@kpcsd.org)

WTR Middle School

Mr. Anthony Cogliano (cogliana@kpcsd.org)

RJO Intermediate

Ms. Lynne Landron (landronl@kpcsd.org)

Fort Salonga Elementary

Ms. Katherine Koester (koesterk@kpcsd.org)

ParkView Elementary

Ms. Wendy Hartill (hartillw@kpcsd.org)