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Kings Park Central School District

Excellence in Education

Special Education


Dr. Danielle Colby-Rooney; Assistant Superintendent for Pupil Personnel
Ms. Laurie Tosi; Assistant Administrator for Pupil Personnel
Ms. Christina Smith; CPSE Chairperson
(631) 269-3320 or (631) 269-3321

The Kings Park Central School District subscribes to the concept that all students must be provided with quality instruction and opportunities for academic achievement. The district is committed to the concept of the least restrictive environment which allows for maximum contact and participation with non-disabled peers.

The goal of special education in the Kings Park Central School District is to provide each child with individualized instruction, which will allow the student to compensate for his or her disability, to overcome the disability where possible, and to maximize the student's functioning toward his or her realization of full potential.

It is the goal of the district to integrate into the school curriculum a program to elicit understanding and acceptance of individual differences.


Committee of Special Education (School Age)

The district provides a wide continuum of services, ranging from placement in general education classes with supports and related services to residential placement settings. The district is committed to the policy of placing students in the least restrictive environment consistent with their needs.

Placement shall:

  • be based on the student's individualized education program; as determined annually.
  • be as close as possible to the student's home, and unless the student's individualized education program requires some other arrangement, the student shall be educated in the school he or she would have attended if not disabled.

Continuum of Services (District Based Placements)

Transitional Support Services

Provided to a teacher on a temporary basis to aid in the provision of an appropriate educational program to the student with a disability who is transferring to a general education program or a less restrictive program or service.

Related Services

Developmental, corrective, and  or other supportive services as are required to assist a student with a disability. Includes, but is not limited to speech and language therapy, occupational therapy, physical therapy, counseling services, orientation and mobility services, etc.

Consultant Teacher Services (Direct/In-Direct)

Consultant teacher services shall be for the purpose of providing direct and/or in-direct services to students with disabilities who attend general education classes.

Resource Room

The resource room program supplements the general education or special classroom instruction of students with disabilities who are in need of such supplemental programs.

Integrated Co-teaching Services

The provision of specially designed instruction and academic instruction provided to a group of students with disabilities and non-disabled students. Within the Kings Park CSD, Integrated Co-taught programs are offered K-12 and incorporate the instructional supports of a general education and special education teacher.

Special Class Programs

Specially designed instruction provided in a class consisting of students with the same disabilities or with differing disabilities who have been grouped together because of similar individual needs for the purpose of being provided a special education program. Special Class program options are contingent upon student need and may vary based on age range or specific learning needs of the students. They include, but are not limited to:

  • Special Class 8:1:1 program
  • Special Class 12:1:1 program
  • Special Class 15:1:1 program

Declassification Support Services

If a student has been receiving special education services, but the Committee on Special Education determines that the student no longer requires such services and can be placed in a general education program on a full-time basis, the student may be considered for declassification support services.

Transition Services

Transition planning for students with disabilities is outcome oriented and looks toward adult life. Professionals, students and parents or other guardians work cooperatively to identify appropriate destination statements and determine and implement plans for reaching these outcomes. The student's interests and needs are kept foremost in the decision making process.

Suggested Websites

New York State Education Department; Special Education

NYSED Common Core Resources for Parents of Students with Disabilities; Additional Resources and Supports

Adult Career and Continuing Education Services and Vocational Rehabilitation (ACCES-VR); Welcome to ACCES-VR

NYS Office for People with Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD); OPWDD