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Kings Park Central School District

Excellence in Education



PHONE NUMBER - 631-269-3362
School Bus Safety

  • Students are to use their assigned bus and bus stop only. Only in the case of an emergency will a student be transported to a stop other than his or her assigned stop. 
  • Parents must complete the request for Child Care Transportation Form prior to any change in a student's transportation. These forms can be picked up at your home school or at the Transportation Office. Students will have one AM stop and one PM stop only, five days a week. Students are to be at the bus stop 10 minutes before the scheduled time. The bus driver is not expected to wait for students, nor will the driver return for students who miss their bus. Students are encouraged to use seat belts when available. 
  • If bused students must cross a street, they must wait until the bus driver signals that all is clear. Students must cross at least fifteen feet in front of the bus and never at the rear of the bus. 
  • Conversation with the bus driver is not to be carried on while the bus is in motion. Students are to be reasonably quiet and orderly on the bus and carry out all instructions of the driver. 
  • Students are to line up before entering the bus, wait for the bus to stop before boarding or leaving the bus, remain seated while the bus is in motion. 
  • Students must keep heads, arms, and hands inside the bus. Use of vulgar language and loud or indecent talk is prohibited. 
  • Students are to leave and enter bus only at entrance door except in case of emergency. Emergency exit drills will be conducted during the school year, in order to acquaint children with the possible exits in case of emergency. 
  • No unauthorized person is to board or ride the school bus. 
  • Children are not to throw objects on or into the bus 
  • PLEASE NOTE: According to New York State Law, smoking by students is prohibited 
  • Transportation privileges may be suspended for any violation.

NYAPT - New York Association for Pupil Transport