Mid-July New York State finally released much needed guidance from both the Department of Health (NYDOH) and Education Department (NYSED) regarding school re-opening in September. School districts have been asked to generate three (3) learning plans for September. The plans are: an in-person model (Yellow), a hybrid model (Orange), and a remote/eLearning model (Red). On August 7, Governor Cuomo stated that schools may re-open in September based on current regional infection rate (data), however, he also directed school districts to post their full remote learning, testing, and contact tracing plans to their website as well.
During the week of August 17, the Nassau and Suffolk Departments of Health issued a joint document, which is also included below.
Our Kings Park Safe PRIDE Re-Opening Committee conducted over 12 hours of meetings during the months of July and August. This committee includes over 90 employees, parents/guardians, and students. The committee will continue to meet throughout the summer. The re-opening plan that the committee produced can be found below. Because we were only given two weeks to review state provided documents and produce the plan, the district may need to add additional details prior to September. If/when this should occur, parents will be alerted, and updates posted below. Thank you for your patience as we all plan for the changes that re-entry in September will require from us all.
Lastly, to confirm, the KPCSD will open schools on Tuesday, September 8. For the first two weeks of school, unless specifically identified in the plan [i.e. some special class students, limited ENL students, and BOCES Tech students], all children in grades K-12 will follow an A/B hybrid model. The calendar for this model can be found below. Providing that the first two weeks of school go well and we are still able/permitted to do so, on Monday, September 21, ALL students in grades K-5 will attend school 5-days per week. Grades 6-12 will continue to operate on the A/B hybrid model until further notice.
The plan, recent postings by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), as well as a Q&A are posted below.